1. Definitions
SYNAPTIC SYSTEMS SRL is a legal entity based in Romania registered at the Trade Registry with no. J40/4760/2008, fiscal code RO 23504970; The term “User” refers to all natural and/or legal persons who access the synssl.com website, regardless of the reason;
The terms “Regulation”, “Agreement”, “Contract”, “Terms and conditions” are used to designate this user agreement.

2. Acceptance of the user agreement
This contract applies to the synssl.com website, its services and content. The website, services and content of synssl.com are offered to you subject to your acceptance without any modification of the conditions of this contract. If you do not accept the terms and conditions stated in this document, do not use the synssl.com website.

By using the site, you agree to comply with the “Terms and Conditions” mentioned. SYNAPTIC SYSTEMS SRL can revise this document at any time, by updating this page. We recommend that you visit this page periodically to read the “Terms and Conditions” because this document is legally binding. The continued use of the synssl.com website and services represents acceptance of the changes made to this contract.

3. Description of services
The synssl.com website offers users access to information about synssl.com services. You understand and agree that in certain sections of the site advertising may appear. You understand and agree that synssl.com services include various announcements, administrative messages contained in synssl.com newsletters, there being no option to opt out of such messages.

4. Access to synssl.com services
You will not copy or distribute any part of this site in any medium, without obtaining prior written authorization from SYNAPTIC SYSTEMS SRL.
You will not modify any part of this site except for the modifications possible through the standard interface of the site, in the user’s account.
To access certain elements of this site, you will need to create an account. SYNAPTIC SYSTEMS SRL is a personal data operator registered in the registry under number 17178, for more information consult http://dataprotection.synssl.com. You will not be able to use another person’s account without permission. To create the account, you must provide complete information. If you provide information that is untrue, inaccurate or incomplete, SYNAPTIC SYSTEMS has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse all current or future attempts to use the site. You are solely responsible for the activity that takes place within the created account and you must keep the security of your account password. You must immediately notify the site administrator if the security of your account is compromised or the account is used unauthorized by someone else. Even though SYNAPTIC SYSTEMS is not responsible for damages caused by unauthorized use of the account, you may be liable for damages caused to the site or others through unauthorized use.
You agree not to use any automated software system that accesses the site in order to quickly create accounts or to perform any other request.

5. Obligations of the user who uses synssl.com
In order to use the synssl.com website and services, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own actions as well as the consequences they may have through improper use of the site or improper use of the services offered by synssl.com.

6. Data security
The user is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of his information and password. The user is responsible for the use of his own account, regardless of whether the use is made with or without his will. The user undertakes to notify SYNAPTIC SYSTEMS SRL in connection with any unauthorized use of his own account. The user also undertakes to use the log off button when he wants to leave the site. The company will not be liable for any moral or material damage caused by non-compliance with this provision by the User. SYNAPTIC SYSTEMS SRL, if it deems appropriate, may block your password, the use of the services or the use of any other of its services that you benefit from, or remove and delete any material from the services, for any reason.

Any termination of your access to synssl.com services, according to any rule in these Regulations, can be carried out without prior warning, and you acknowledge and agree that SYNAPTIC SYSTEMS SRL can immediately disable or delete your account from the framework

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