About SSL

Important announcement regarding the issuance of SSL certificates

Starting August 18, 2020, we will only issue SSL / TLS certificates with a lifetime of one year.
The reason is an industry-wide requirement set by Apple, Google, and Mozilla that states that any two-year-old TLS certificate issued after August 31, 2020, will NOT be trusted by their browsers.

Consequently, all Certificate Authorities (CAs) will start issuing publicly trusted SSL / TLS certificates with a validity period of one year from September 1, 2020.

In order to have a unified approach and because a CA stops offering SSL / TLS certificates for 2 years on August 19, 2020, as well as our future maintenance for the SSL / TLS certificate backend from August 18, we decided to stop offering SSL / TLS certificates for 2 years starting August 18, 2020. All brands of SSL / TLS products we currently offer are affected: GlobeSSL, Sectigo, DigiCert, GeoTrust, Thawte, and RapidSSL.

What is an SSL certificate?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). International standard in the field of IT security, allows encryption of communication between the web server and the visitor’s browser. This encryption will minimize the risk that data between server and client (bidirectional) will be stolen or modified by hackers.
To create a secure connection, an SSL certificate is installed on the server where the website is hosted.

Types of SSL Certificates:

Depending on the number of domains/subdomains for which it is issued:

Single Domain – applies to a single domain or subdomain;
Wildcard – applies to a domain and an unlimited number of its subdomains;
Multi Domain – applies to a larger number of domains/subdomains, minimum 3. The main advantage is that a single certificate is issued for a large number of domains and a single certificate is administered/handled.

From the point of view of what we validate, SSL certificates are divided into:

Domain Validation (DV) – are the simplest SSL certificates, they ensure encryption and verification of the right to use the domain. These types of certificates are generally issued between a few minutes and a few hours.
Organization Validation (OV) – in addition to the validation of the domain, the validation of the right to use the domain is also ensured, a series of details/identification data of the owner are verified. These types of certificates are issued in an interval between a few hours and a few days.
Extended Validation (EV) – this type of certificate ensures the highest level of security because the assessment is carried out very rigorously, with detailed checks being carried out before issuance. In addition to the verification of the right to use the domain and the validation of the organization for which it is issued, the legal data and the postal address where the organization operates are verified. These certificates are usually issued within a few days to several weeks.

SSL certificates now help a better positioning in Google.
Google has announced that HTTPS encryption – available exclusively through SSL certificates – will from now on be a positive factor in search and SEO positioning.

Characteristics of SSL certificates

Safety & Authenticity
For all certificates that require validation, GlobeSSL must verify that you are the owner of the domain you want to validate. This can be done by replying to a simple email or by adding a file to your site’s code.

Mobile & Browser Compatibility
Compatibility with browsers and mobile devices is an important thing in using GlobeSSL certificates. They are compatible with 99.9% of browsers and mobile devices. Please check the complete list of them.

Security & Encryption
All certificates offer 128-bit encryption, but can be issued up to 256-bit. These certificates are signed with a 2048-bit or 4096-bit private key.

All SSL certificates with domain validation are guaranteed up to $10,000. Thus, in case one of your clients suffers losses due to a security breach, you will be rewarded with up to $10,000 by the Certification Authority (CA).

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